Results for 'Jonathan A. Clemens'

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  1.  11
    Living Belief: A Short Introduction the Christian Faith, by Douglas F. Ottati.Jonathan A. Clemens - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 43 (2):445-446.
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  2. (2 other versions)1 Maccabees: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.Jonathan A. Goldstein - 1976
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    Choosing Character: Responsibility for Virtue and Vice.Jonathan A. Jacobs - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Are there key respects in which character and character defects are voluntary? Can agents with serious vices be rational agents? Jonathan Jacobs answers in the affirmative. Moral character is shaped through voluntary habits, including the ways we habituate ourselves, Jacobs believes. Just as individuals can voluntarily lead unhappy lives without making unhappiness an end, so can they degrade their ethical characters through voluntary action that does not have establishment of vice as its end. Choosing Character presents an account of (...)
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    Turing patterns in deserts.Jonathan A. Sherratt - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 667--674.
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    Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and the environmentalist agenda: a reply to Odenbaugh.Jonathan A. Newman - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):17.
    Among the instrumental value defenses for biodiversity conservation is the argument that biodiversity is necessary to support ecosystem functioning. Lower levels of biodiversity yield lower levels of ecosystem functioning and hence the inference that we should conserve biodiversity. In our book Defending Biodiversity: Environmental Science and Ethics, we point out three problems with this inference. (1) The empirical support for such an inference derives from experiments conducted on a very small set of ecosystem types (mainly grasslands and fresh water aquatic) (...)
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    Musical Formalism and Political Performances.Jonathan A. Neufeld - 2009 - Contemporary Aesthetics 7.
    Musical formalism, which strictly limits the type of thing any description of the music can tell us, is ill-equipped to account for contemporary performance practice. If performative interpretations are in a position to tell us something about musical works—that is if performance is a kind of description, as Peter Kivy argues—then we have to loosen the restrictions on notions of musical relevance to make sense of performance. I argue that musical formalism, which strictly limits the type of thing any description (...)
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    Sunlight alone is not a disinfectant: Consent and the futility of opening Big Data black boxes.Jonathan A. Obar - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1):205395172093561.
    In our attempts to achieve privacy and reputation deliverables, advocating for service providers and other data managers to open Big Data black boxes and be more transparent about consent processes, algorithmic details, and data practice is easy. Moving from this call to meaningful forms of transparency, where the Big Data details are available, useful, and manageable is more difficult. Most challenging is moving from that difficult task of meaningful transparency to the seemingly impossible scenario of achieving, consistently and ubiquitously, meaningful (...)
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    Advance euthanasia directives and the Dutch prosecution.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):253-256.
    In a recent Dutch euthanasia case, a woman underwent euthanasia on the basis of an advance directive, having first been sedated without her knowledge and then restrained by members of her family while the euthanasia was administered. This article considers some implications of the criminal court’s acquittal of the doctor who performed the euthanasia. Supporters of advance euthanasia directives have welcomed the judgement as providing a clarification of the law, especially with regard to the admissibility of contextual evidence in interpreting (...)
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    I believe in God: Content analysis of the first article of the Christian faith based on a literature review.Jonathan A. Rúa Penagos & Iván D. Toro Jaramillo - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-7.
    Today, there are different understandings of the first article on the content of the Christian faith, for which an analysis from a theological perspective is necessary. This research sought to reveal the meaning of the first article on the content of the Christian faith in recent theological works that have been produced, through the use of a hermeneutic exercise, conducting a bibliometric and categorical analysis and using NVivo software to analyse the qualitative data. We concluded that the recent theological literature (...)
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  10. Musical Ontology: Critical, Not Metaphysical.Jonathan A. Neufeld - 2014 - Contemporary Aesthetics 12.
    The ontology of musical works often sets the boundaries within which evaluation of musical works and performances takes place. Questions of ontology are therefore often taken to be prior to and apart from the evaluative questions considered by either performers as they present works to audiences or an audience’s critical reflection on a performance. In this paper I argue that, while the ontology of musical works may well set the boundaries of legitimate evaluation, ontological questions should not be considered as (...)
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    Conscientious objection, professional duty and compromise: A response to Savulescu and Schuklenk.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):126-131.
    In a recent article in this journal, Savulescu and Schuklenk defend and extend their earlier arguments against a right to medical conscientious objection in response to criticisms raised by Cowley. I argue that while it would be preferable to be less accommodating of medical conscientious than many countries currently are, Savulescu and Schuklenk's argument that conscientious objection is ‘simply unprofessional’ is mistaken. The professional duties of doctors should be defined in relation to the interests of patients and society, and for (...)
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  12.  12
    Big Data and The Phantom Public: Walter Lippmann and the fallacy of data privacy self-management.Jonathan A. Obar - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    In 1927, Walter Lippmann published The Phantom Public, denouncing the ‘mystical fallacy of democracy.’ Decrying romantic democratic models that privilege self-governance, he writes: “I have not happened to meet anybody, from a President of the United States to a professor of political science, who came anywhere near to embodying the accepted ideal of the sovereign and omnicompetent citizen.” Almost 90 years later, Lippmann’s pragmatism is as relevant as ever, and should be applied in new contexts where similar self-governance concerns persist. (...)
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  13. Billy Budd's Song: Authority and Music in the Public Sphere.Jonathan A. Neufeld - 2013 - Opera Quarterly 28 (3-4):172-191.
    While Billy Budd's beauty has often been connected to his innocence and his moral goodness, the significance of the musical character of his beauty—what I will argue is the site of a struggle for political expression—has not been remarked upon by commentators of Melville's novella. It has, however, been deeply explored by Britten's opera. Music has often been situated at, or just beyond, the limits of communication; it has served as a medium of the ineffable, of unsaid and unsayable truths (...)
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    Models and Cognition: Prediction and Explanation in Everyday Life and in Science.Jonathan A. Waskan - 2006 - Bradford.
    Jonathan Walkan challenges cognitive science's dominant model of mental representation and proposes a novel, well-devised alternative. The traditional view in the cognitive sciences uses a linguistic model of mental representation. That logic-based model of cognition informs and constrains both the classical tradition of artificial intelligence and modeling in the connectionist tradition. It falls short, however, when confronted by the frame problem---the lack of a principled way to determine which features of a representation must be updated when new information becomes (...)
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    Professional ethics and librarians.Jonathan A. Lindsey - 1985 - Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press. Edited by Ann E. Prentice.
  16.  57
    Discovering Parallels with Aristotle’s De anima iii 5.Jonathan A. Buttaci - 2019 - Ancient Philosophy 39 (2):381-408.
  17.  35
    Art and ventriloquism by Goldblatt, David.Jonathan A. Neufeld - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (2):238–240.
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    General Intelligence ( g): Overview of a Complex Construct and Its Implications for Genetics Research.Jonathan A. Plucker & Amy L. Shelton - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (S1):21-24.
    Current technology has dramatically increased the prevalence of studies to establish the genetic correlates of a wide variety of human characteristics, including not only the physical attributes that determine what we look like and the risk of physiological disease but also the psychological and cognitive characteristics that often define who we are as individuals. Perhaps one of the most deeply personal and often controversial characteristics is the concept of general intelligence, known in the psychological literature as “g.” As with the (...)
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  19. Intrinsic cognitive models.Jonathan A. Waskan - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (2):259-283.
    Theories concerning the structure, or format, of mental representation should (1) be formulated in mechanistic, rather than metaphorical terms; (2) do justice to several philosophical intuitions about mental representation; and (3) explain the human capacity to predict the consequences of worldly alterations (i.e., to think before we act). The hypothesis that thinking involves the application of syntax-sensitive inference rules to syntactically structured mental representations has been said to satisfy all three conditions. An alternative hypothesis is that thinking requires the construction (...)
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    Imitating Jesus, yes – but which Jesus? A critical engagement with the ethics of Richard Burridge in Imitating Jesus: An inclusive approach to New Testament ethics.Jonathan A. Draper - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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  21. A virtual solution to the frame problem.Jonathan A. Waskan - forthcoming - Proceedings of the First IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots.
    We humans often respond effectively when faced with novel circumstances. This is because we are able to predict how particular alterations to the world will play out. Philosophers, psychologists, and computational modelers have long favored an account of this process that takes its inspiration from the truth-preserving powers of formal deduction techniques. There is, however, an alternative hypothesis that is better able to account for the human capacity to predict the consequences worldly alterations. This alternative takes its inspiration from the (...)
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    Does the heterogeneity of autism undermine the neurodiversity paradigm?Jonathan A. Hughes - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):47-60.
    The neurodiversity paradigm is presented by its proponents as providing a philosophical foundation for the activism of the neurodiversity movement. Its central claims are that autism and other neurodivergent conditions are not disorders because they are not intrinsically harmful, and that they are valuable, natural and/or normal parts of human neurocognitive variation. This paper: (a) identifies the non‐disorder claim as the most central of these, based on its prominence in the literature and connections with the practical policy claims that the (...)
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    Lockdown and levelling down: why Savulescu and Cameron are mistaken about selective isolation of the elderly.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):722-723.
    In their recent article, ‘Why lockdown of the elderly is not ageist and why levelling down equality is wrong’, Savulescu and Cameron argue for selective isolation of the elderly as an alternative to general lockdown. An important part of their argument is the claim that the latter amounts to ‘levelling down equality’ and that this is ‘unethical’ or even ‘morally repugnant’. This response argues that they fail to justify either part of this claim: the claim that levelling down is always (...)
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  24.  72
    A critique of connectionist semantics.Jonathan A. Waskan - 2001 - Connection Science 13 (3):277-292.
  25.  14
    An Order of Mutual Benefit: A Secular Age and the Cognitive Science of Religion.Jonathan A. Lanman - 2016 - In Guido Vanheeswijck, Colin Jager & Florian Zemmin (eds.), Working with a Secular Age: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Charles Taylor's Master Narrative. De Gruyter. pp. 71-92.
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    The Liberal State and Criminal Sanction: Seeking Justice and Civility.Jonathan A. Jacobs - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Jonathan Jacobs examines the injustice of incarceration in the U.S. and U.K., both during incarceration and upon release into civil society. Situated at the intersection of criminology and political philosophy, Jacobs's focus is on moral reasoning, and he argues that the current state of incarceration is antithetical to the project of liberal democracy, as it strips incarcerated people of their agency. He advocates for reforms through a renewed commitment to the values and principles of liberal democracy and proposes a (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Interpretative phenomenological analysis: theory, method and research.Jonathan A. Smith - 2009 - Los Angeles: SAGE. Edited by Paul Flowers & Michael Larkin.
    This title presents a comprehensive guide to interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) which is an increasingly popular approach to qualitative inquiry taught to undergraduate and postgraduate students today.
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    Brain Activity During Unilateral Physical and Imagined Isometric Contractions.Jonathan A. Martinez, Matthew W. Wittstein, Stephen F. Folger & Stephen P. Bailey - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  29.  18
    History of the *Kāśyapaparivarta in Chinese Translations and Its Connection with the Mahāratnakūṭa (Da Baoji jing 大寶積經) Collection.Jonathan A. Silk & Gadjin M. Nagao - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):671-697.
    The *Kāśyapaparivarta, an early Mahāyāna sūtra, has a complex history. Sanskrit and Tibetan versions, and some of its Chinese translations, have been available to scholars for almost a century, thanks to Staël-Holstein’s 1926 editio princeps. Yet no comprehensive survey of available sources, or critical appraisal of their antecedants, has been published, and most importantly, essential Chinese materials have long been overlooked. The present contribution focuses most centrally on the Chinese translations of the scripture. In addition, the relation of the sūtra (...)
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    Thinking About the Study of Buddhist Texts: Ideas from Jerusalem, in More Ways Than One.Jonathan A. Silk - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (4):753-769.
    Many issues are raised by thinking about “The Idea of Text in Buddhism.” This paper concentrates on scriptures of Indian Buddhism, and considers some of the questions raised or inspired by the papers presented at the 2019 Jerusalem conference on “The Idea of Text in Buddhism.” Consideration is given among other topics to multilingualism, in which context a comparison is offered with the traditions of the Targums in Jewish literature.
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    The Ten Virtues of Loudly Invoking the Name of Amitābha: Stein Tibetan 724 and an Aspect of Chinese Nianfo Practice in Tibetan Dunhuang.Jonathan A. Silk - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (3):473.
    Stein Tibetan 724 was earlier identified as a list of virtues of the Buddha Amitābha. A new reading of the document and identification of its Chinese source allow its re-identification instead as a list of the virtues of invoking the Buddha Amitābha in a loud voice. The article offers a corrected transcription of the manuscript, presents and examines possible sources, and suggests the most plausible proximate original for the Tibetan translation, briefly exploring the practice of loud invocation as a Buddhist (...)
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    Costs, Benefits, Parasites and Mutualists: The Use and Abuse of the Mutualism–Parasitism Continuum Concept for “Epichloë” Fungi.Jonathan A. Newman, Sierra Gillis & Heather A. Hager - 2022 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 14 (9).
    The species comprising the fungal endophyte genus “Epichloë ”are symbionts of cool season grasses. About half the species in this genus are strictly vertically transmitted, and evolutionary theory suggests that these species must be mutualists. Nevertheless, Faeth and Sullivan (e.g., 2003) have argued that such vertically transmitted endophytes are ’usually parasitic,’ and Müller and Krauss (2005) have argued that such vertically transmitted endophytes fall along a mutualism-parasitism continuum. These papers (and others) have caused confusion in the field. We used a (...)
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    Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):213-217.
    A recent focus of the debate on conscientious objection in healthcare is the question of whether practitioners should have to justify their refusal to perform certain functions. A recent article by Cowley addresses a practical aspect of this controversy, namely the question of whether doctors claiming conscientious objector status in relation to abortion should be required, like their counterparts claiming exemption from military conscription, to defend their claim before a tribunal. Cowley argues against the use of tribunals in the medical (...)
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  34.  13
    Aristotle’s Generation of Animals: A Critical Guide ed. by Andrea Falcon, and David Lefebvre.Jonathan A. Buttaci - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (3):552-554.
    In the summer of 1983, a group of scholars met in Williamstown, MA for a workshop directed by Allan Gotthelf. Many of the papers presented at this meeting grew into Philosophical Issues in Aristotle’s Biology. The aim of the workshop and volume to follow was to engage with Aristotle’s biological works from a genuinely philosophical perspective. That volume was a watershed moment for the “biological turn” in Aristotle studies.The present volume is compiled in the same spirit, growing out of several (...)
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  35. II Maccabees.Jonathan A. Goldstein - 1983
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    The moral economy of the Didache.Jonathan A. Draper - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Grounding the phallus? Unconscious meaning as purely paradigmatic semiosis.Jonathan A. Carter - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (146).
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    Telling times: History, emplotment, and truth.Jonathan A. Carter - 2003 - History and Theory 42 (1):1–27.
    In Time, Narrative, and History, David Carr argues against the narrativist claim that our lived experience does not possess the formal attributes of a story; this conclusion can be reinforced from a semiotic perspective. Our experience is mediated through temporal signs that are used again in the construction of stories. Since signs are social entities from the start, this approach avoids a problem of individualism specific to phenomenology, one which Carr takes care to resolve. A semiotic framework is also explicit (...)
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    Are we good at detecting conflict during reasoning?Gordon Pennycook, Jonathan A. Fugelsang & Derek J. Koehler - 2012 - Cognition 124 (1):101-106.
    Recent evidence suggests that people are highly efficient at detecting conflicting outputs produced by competing intuitive and analytic reasoning processes. Specifically, De Neys and Glumicic demonstrated that participants reason longer about problems that are characterized by conflict between stereotypical personality descriptions and base-rate probabilities of group membership. However, this finding comes from problems involving probabilities much more extreme than those used in traditional studies of base-rate neglect. To test the degree to which these findings depend on such extreme probabilities, we (...)
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    The Justification of PunishmentPunishment and Responsibility, Essays in Philosophy of Law.Jonathan A. Weiss - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):527-546.
    Hart commences his essays by stating what he thinks is the search and its concomitant questions. The search he asserts is for principles to justify punishment. Unfortunately, no attempt is made to describe criteria of justification, let alone what is meant by principles. The questions that arise are in terms of giving a general justification for punishing individuals and for determining the severity of that punishment; and of establishing the appropriate method for selection of objects of punishment. No reference is (...)
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    Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Graduate Student Essay Winner 2012.Jonathan A. Seitz - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:195-195.
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  42. Vagueness and Zombies: Why ‘Phenomenally Conscious’ has No Borderline Cases.Jonathan A. Simon - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (8):2105-2123.
    I argue that there can be no such thing as a borderline case of the predicate ‘phenomenally conscious’: for any given creature at any given time, it cannot be vague whether that creature is phenomenally conscious at that time. I first defend the Positive Characterization Thesis, which says that for any borderline case of any predicate there is a positive characterization of that case that can show any sufficiently competent speaker what makes it a borderline case. I then appeal to (...)
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  43.  14
    Ethics a–Z.Jonathan A. Jacobs - 2005 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Jacobs introduces the issues, language, concepts and positions central to ethical theorizing. Entries range from antiquity to the present and basic to advance. Cross-referencing allows readers to explore topics in depth. Items explain complex issues of normative ethics, metaethics and moral psychology in non-technical language.
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    Aristotle on Learning How to Learn: Geometry as a Model for Philosophical Inquiry.Jonathan A. Buttaci - 2018 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 4:35-60.
    I consider a more generic goal teachers have for students in addition to learning some determinate content: that they learn how to learn anything whatsoever. To explain this process, I draw on two insights from Aristotle’s account of learning: first, that in every case students learn by doing the very things they are learning to do; and second, that it is possible to achieve a general educatedness whereby someone can make intelligent judgments and intellectual progress even in previously unfamiliar subject (...)
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  45.  33
    Weighing Ethical Considerations in Proposed Non-recent Child Sexual Abuse Investigations: A Response to Maslen and Paine’s Oxford CSA Framework.Jonathan A. Hughes & Monique Jonas - 2020 - Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (2):95-110.
    Questions about when it is right for police forces to investigate alleged offences committed in the more or less distant past have become increasingly pressing. Recent widely publicized cases of child sexual abuse (CSA) and exploitation, sometimes involving high profile individuals, have illustrated the ethical, psychological, and forensic complexities of investigating non-recent child sexual abuse. Hannah Maslen and Colin Paine have developed the Oxford CSA Framework to assist police to weigh the various ethical considerations that militate for and against initiating (...)
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    ‘If those to whom the W/word of God came were called gods...’– Logos, wisdom and prophecy, and John 10:22–30.Jonathan A. Draper - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Jesus’ quotation of Psalm 82:6, ‘I said, You are gods’, a riposte to the accusation that he had blasphemed by making himself equal to God, has attracted considerable attention. The latest suggestion by Jerome H. Neyrey rightly insists that any solution to the problem should take account of the internal logic of the Psalm and argues that it derives from or prefigures a rabbinic Midrash on the Psalm which refers it to the restoration of the immortality lost by Adam to (...)
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    Is the devil in the details? Tension between minimalism and comprehensiveness in the shariah.Jonathan A. C. Brown - 2011 - Journal of Religious Ethics 39 (3):458-472.
    The comprehensiveness of Islamic law has been questioned seriously in the modern period by Muslim reformists like Rashīd Riḍā. Such reformists have used as evidence Qur'anic verses and Prophetic reports that seem to state clearly that the strictures of Islamic law are few and limited and that Muslims should not extend them to all areas of life. How could the Shariah have developed as a holistic and exhaustive body of law in light of such evidence? Looking back at earlier Muslim (...)
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    Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies Frederick J. Streng Book Award 2012.Jonathan A. Seitz - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:197-198.
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    Examining the representation of causal knowledge.Jonathan A. Fugelsang, Valerie A. Thompson & Kevin N. Dunbar - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (1):1 – 30.
    Three experiments investigated reasoners' beliefs about causal powers; that is, their beliefs about the capacity of a putative cause to produce a given effect. Covariation-based theories (e.g., Cheng, 1997; Kelley, 1973; Novick & Cheng, 2004) posit that beliefs in causal power are represented in terms of the degree of covariation between the cause and its effect; covariation is defined in terms of the degree to which the effect occurs in the presence of the cause, and fails tooccur in the absence (...)
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    Experiencing Left and Right in a Non‐Orientable World.Jonathan A. Simon - 2021 - Analytic Philosophy 62 (3):201-222.
    Imagine that the person you see through the looking glass is a real person, with her own experiences, living in an environment that is the mirror-reverse of yours. You look at your right-hand glove as you put it on your right hand; she looks at her left-hand glove as she puts it on her left hand. You feel your heart beating on your left side; she feels her heart beating on her right side. You hear a bird chirping out the (...)
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